New Release


When your mind has no limits, your biggest danger is yourself.

A Novel By Robert Fobian


About The Author

Robert Fobian is an author living in St. Louis, Missouri. He has made a career in the Information Technology field and the development of software and infrastructure that support a variety of critical functions focused on information security. With over 15 years’ experience working for the government and over 20 years working within the private sector, he has built a wealth of knowledge of operations, both supporting the military and civilian corporations, large and small. Being a veteran of the U.S. Air Force and using his vast experience working within the cybersecurity community, having worked many years in IT, and as a consultant for the Department of Homeland Security, he writes from a first-hand perspective of understanding how the workings of information organizations come together, and uses his imagination to bring thrilling adventures alive.

About The Book


“The brain weighs only three pounds, yet it is the most complex object in the solar system.” ― Dr. Michio Kaku

The mind is a powerful tool, capable of wonders which until quite recently, were considered supernatural. In the late 2040s, the world has given rise to a new generation of people with a range of extrasensory abilities. In an effort to study and understand these abilities, science has brought about many new fields of study around psychic intuition and a variety of abilities of a new realm, known as Psionics. From the ever-changing world, emerges a person with a mind so powerful that it challenges his ability to control it.

This story is about a legendary investigator for the OSI, or Office of Special Investigations. This elite group has been given the charge of identifying and controlling a small percentage of the population who have greatly elevated psychic abilities. In his greatest adventure, he meets challenges that push his mind to places he dared not go.

Embark on a mind-bending journey into the realm of psychic power with “Mindspace.” Follow the life of Jay Morgan as he navigates a world where the mind knows no limits. With powerful psychic abilities, he delves into the depths of the psionic realm, facing danger at every turn. Join him on thrilling exploits as he pushes the boundaries of human awareness in this gripping psychological thriller.



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Justo vestibulum risus imperdiet conse ctetur conse ctetur pretium urna augue etiam risus acc um san volutpat urna eusem per enim, est aliquam laoet urna fringilla viverra.
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